As a member of Travel Agents’ Association of Sikkim (TAAS), we are committed to the following principles of Ecotourism and ask you, our visitor, to do the likewise: |
Conserve Sikkim’s Natural and Cultural heritage.
Do not trample high altitude vegetation.
Do not pick any flower or medicinal plants.
Do not disturb wildlife or its habitats.
Do not allow clients to purchase endangered animal parts or antique cultural artifacts.
Support local conservation effort and income generation activities.
Avoid use of fuel wood- use Alternative fuels
Use Kerosene, L.P.G. or other non-wood fuel for all cooking, heating, lighting including that used by staff and porters.
Discourage campfires, encourage camp fun.Follow safety rules when carrying, storing and using kerosene and gas.
Leave all camps and trails clean
Separate and properly dispose of litter, burn burnable, bury biodegradable and carry out all other non-biodegradable materials for deposit at designated trash site or for recycling.
Use toilet tents on all treks, set up and use toilets tents in an environmentally sound manner so as to avoid pollution of water sources (at least 100 meters away.)
Use established campsites and kitchen sites, avoid trenching around tents.
Practice Conservation
Avoid high fuel-consumptive menu items, e.g backed foods and large menu selections.
Repackage food into reusable plastic containers to reduce waste.
Reduce waste by de-packing and repacking.
Practice proper hygiene and sanitation
Teach all staff about personal hygiene, sanitary, kitchen and camp routines.
Properly treat the drinking water and uncooked vegetables for clients.
Dispose of washing and bathing water well away from streams, use biodegradable soaps.
Take responsibility for staff and porter welfare
Provide adequate warm clothing , sleeping cover, shoes, snow gear, food for cooking, stoves and fuel, and take care of hired staff.
Periodically train staff in first aid and guide responsibilities, sanitation etc.
Periodically train staff in first aid and guide responsibilities, sanitation etc.
Properly brief clients before leaving on a trek
Address cultural “do’s” and “don’ts” .
Environmentally friendly behavior, safety precautions, proper dress and respect for local beliefs, people and religious sites.
Plan days for proper altitude acclimatization when ascending, know how to identify and treat high altitude illness and how to provide emergency rescue.